This question gets asked a lot, do we cleanse before a workout, or after??

And the answer is…both!

I’m sure you’re wondering why you should be cleansing before if you’re just going and take a shower afterwards but cleansing before is just as important and cleansing after. ESPECIALLY if you’re a morning workout person like me!

Here’s why: When you workout, you sweat and when you sweat it can mix whatever is on your skin from the morning of or products from the night before which can end up causing irritation, dryness, inflammation and even breakouts when your sweat mixes with your natural face oils resulting in clogged pores!

SO, once you workout, you shower, do your regular thing, cleanse again and then go on with your normal daily skincare routine.

Why we cleanse again after: As I mentioned above, when you workout, you sweat. Not cleansing after you sweat can actually lead to dehydrated & dry skin because sweat contains salt! Cleansing after a workout also helps cleanse away bacteria that can lead to clogged pores and breakouts which we love said literally no one ever.

So there you have it friends, remember to always cleanse before and after your workout!! Follow up with toner to get any extra dirt, oil and bacteria off and ALWAYS remember to wear SPF, because it’s your BFF.